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Farms of The Future - NSW

About the Program

This program run by the Department of Primary Industry NSW to improve connectivity and encouragement to use AgTech in selected LGAs across the state through the extended $48 million Farms of the Future project launch. The target of the project is increase production and improve resource management, including water efficiency and drought preparedness by implementing IoT solutions. 


The project is committed to working with regional communities, farmers, and industries to help them become more self-reliant and better prepared for the effects of future drought events and other economic shocks. This is done through the $400 million Regional Digital Connectivity program and the Future Ready Regions strategy.


This program offers up to 70% of the cost of sensors to farmers to adopt and implement advanced IoT solutions in their farms. 

FarmTasker Solution for the FoTF Program

FarmTasker is a selected partner by the NSW government and offers state-of-the-art solutions through this program to NSW farmers to experience simplified monitoring solutions for a wide range of applications across the farms. 

Offered Solutions Through FoTF Program

The list in the program are:

  1. Water Tank Operation Monitoring

  2. Water Trough Operation Monitoring

  3. Diesel Tank Operation Monitoring

  4. Water Resource Monitoring

  5. Ground Water Supply Monitoring

  6. Water Pipe Pressure Monitoring

  7. Pump Water Pressure Monitoring

  8. Irrigation Channel Level Monitoring

  9. Water Pipe Leakage Monitoring

  10. Irrigation Sprinkler System Monitoring

  11. Water Salinity Monitoring System

  12. Rain Monitoring Solution

  13. Silo Operation Monitoring

  14. Water Flow Monitoring Interface

  15. Soil Pressure and Land Movement Monitoring

  16. Soil Moisture Monitoring

  17. Fertilizer Supply Monitoring

  18. Hay Temperature and Moisture Monitoring

  19. Water Turbidity Monitoring System

  20. Greenhouse Temperature Monitoring

  21. Water Temperature Monitoring



If your farm is listed in the selected LGA, please simply select the product from our shop or contact our team to discuss your applications and offer you the best option for you. 


If you have more questions about the program or the grant, please visit the official program and grant FAQs

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